[2023] Some Comments on the Recent FTX TIME Article

In case it is useful and others have not already seen it: here is a post I wrote reflecting on my experience working at alameda research. I have not been following the trials or news related to ftx very closely but I am not aware of any information which disagrees with the points I made in my post.


Thank you for sharing such a nuanced insight into what it was like working for Sam and (early) Alameda. I’m always impressed when someone who’s lost a lot because of someone else’s actions refuses to jump on the “obviously that person was 100% evil” bandwagon, as you call it.

I thought the breakdown of your equity situation was particularly illuminating as an example of something I’ve seen many times in this case: There’s an accusation that could be considered technically true and damning in a certain light, but once you’ve dug into the details everything sounds pretty reasonable.

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